Biology glossary

Glossary of biology.

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Arbuscular mycorrhizae
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mycorrhizae commonly involving Glomeromycetes in which the fungal hyphae penetrate the cell walls of the plant root cells (but not the cell membranes)

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transition species from dinosaur to bird from the Jurassic period

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

primitive gut cavity within the gastrula that opens outward via the blastopore

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modern crocodilian or bird, or an extinct pterosaur or dinosaur

arcuate artery
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artery that branches from the interlobar artery and arches over the base of the renal pyramids

aromatic hydrocarbon
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hydrocarbon consisting of closed rings of carbon atoms

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small vessel that connects an artery to a capillary bed

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blood vessel that takes blood away from the heart

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phylum of animals with jointed appendages

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any place where two bones are joined

ascending limb
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part of the loop of Henle that ascends from the renal medulla to the renal cortex

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fruiting body of ascomycetes

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(also, sac fungi) phylum of fungi that store spores in a sac called ascus

asexual reproduction
Glossaries - Biology glossary

form of reproduction that produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent

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