Biology glossary

Glossary of biology.

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pattern of veins in a leaf; may be parallel (as in monocots), reticulate (as in dicots), or dichotomous (as in Gingko biloba)

ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
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region of the lung that lacks proper alveolar ventilation (V) and/or arterial perfusion (Q)

ventral cavity
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body cavity on the anterior or front portion of an animal that includes the thoracic cavities and the abdominopelvic cavities

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cavity within brain that contains cerebrospinal fluid

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(heart) large inferior chamber of the heart that pumps blood into arteries

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blood vessel that connects a capillary bed to a vein

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exposure to cold required by some seeds before they can germinate

vertebral column
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series of separate bones joined together as a backbone

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members of the phylum Chordata that possess a backbone

vertical transmission
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transmission of disease from parent to offspring

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small, membrane-bound sac that functions in cellular storage and transport; its membrane is capable of fusing with the plasma membrane and the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus

vestibular sense
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sense of spatial orientation and balance

vestigial structure
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physical structure present in an organism but that has no apparent function and appears to be from a functional structure in a distant ancestor

viable-but-non-culturable (VBNC) state
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survival mechanism of bacteria facing environmental stress conditions

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allopatric speciation that occurs when something in the environment separates organisms of the same species into separate groups

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