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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

refers to organisms that grow without oxygen

anaerobic cellular respiration
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process in which organisms convert energy for their use in the absence of oxygen

Glossaries - Biology glossary

(also, homoplasy) characteristic that is similar between organisms by convergent evolution, not due to the same evolutionary path

analytical model
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ecosystem model that is created with mathematical formulas to predict the effects of environmental disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics

Glossaries - Biology glossary

stage of mitosis during which sister chromatids are separated from each other

Glossaries - Biology glossary

animal having no temporal fenestrae in the cranium

anatomical dead space
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(also, anatomical shunt) region of the lung that lacks proper ventilation/perfusion due to an anatomical block

Glossaries - Biology glossary

sum of all the stamens in a flower

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male sex hormone such as testosterone

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individual with an error in chromosome number; includes chromosome segment deletions and duplications

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condition of a cell having an extra chromosome or missing a chromosome for its species

Glossaries - Biology glossary

pain caused by partial blockage of the coronary arteries by the buildup of plaque and lack of oxygen to the heart muscle

angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
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angiotensin I
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product in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway

angiotensin II
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molecule that affects different organs to increase blood pressure