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When you think you may be pregnant, your first worry is about the viability of that pregnancy. No one wants to miscarry or have a premature baby that does not survive. Even those that are caught unaware by pregnancy at least hope that baby will be healthy and happy. Sadly, not all pregnancies get very far, and some premature babies have not had long enough to grow within mom to live on the outside world. There are things that can go wrong with a pregnancy that hurt the baby in those ways, but there are things that can hurt mom too. That is why women should know tubal pregnancy symptoms, just in case this happens to them.

Kangaroo care or wearing your baby in a Kangaroo pouch looks much like a kangaroo carrying their baby in their pouch.  The popularity of this method of care increased in the early 1980's when researchers found that premature infants in Bogata Columbia responded, and even thrived when they were carried in a Kangaroo pouch.

The first step of your pregnancy, after seeing the little positive stick should have it confirmed. Call immediately to have a pregnancy test done with your local doctor, you may be in luck and get in that same day or have to wait about a week or two. Patience will become your best friend during this time or your worst enemy, waiting can become a very hard thing when you want to know for sure whether you are or aren't pregnant. More than likely you'll get a phone call a few days later to confirm it.

Jaundice is a result of a buildup in the blood of the bilirubin, a yellow pigment that comes from the breakdown of older red blood cells. It's normal for the red blood cells to break down, although the bilirubin formed doesn't normally cause jaundice because the liver will metabolize it and then get rid of it in the gut.

Giving birth will no doubt be one of the most magical moments of your life and to ensure that your child is strong and happy, it is important you do all you can to have a healthy pregnancy. To help you and your baby on your way, this article has compiled a number of tips that are guaranteed to make those nine pregnancy months the best they can be!

The sole purpose of breast compression is to continue the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer drinks on his own.

On average, a woman gains between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy. During and labor and immediately after delivery a new mother might shed 10 to 15 pounds of that. This leaves from 10 to 25 additional pounds of weight left on the new mom’s “new” body. It can be a source of great shock, disappointment, frustration, and despair to a woman to discover that after giving birth she can no longer fit into the clothes she wore prior to the pregnancy.

While western culture discourages it, studies have shown that co-sleeping with a breastfeeding infant promotes bonding, regulates the mother and baby's sleep patterns, plays a role in helping the mother to become more responsive to her baby's cues, and gives both the mother and baby needed rest. The co-sleeping environment also assists mothers in the continuation of breastfeeding on demand, an important step in maintaining the mother's milk supply.

Here are some breastfeeding basics that you may find helpful. Talk to your baby’s doctor, nurse or your lactation specialist if you have other questions.

Ectopic literally means 'out of place.'  In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the egg has implanted outside of the uterus.  In the majority of the cases, this happens in the fallopian tubes ' hence the reference to a tubal pregnancy.  However, the egg can also implant in the abdomen, on the intestines, or on the ovary.

None of these organs can support a pregnancy in the same way that the uterus can.  Many times the growing baby will rupture the organ and will cause severe bleeding endangering the mother's life.  Unfortunately, there is no way to transplant an ectopic pregnancy into the uterus successfully so ending the pregnancy is the only option.

When are you at a greater risk of an ectopic pregnancy?  Any sexually active woman can have an ectopic pregnancy but there are situations that place a woman at higher risk:

  • Pregnancy after a tubal ligation
  • Fallopian tube surgery ' tubal reversal
  • Previous ectopic pregnancy
  • Usine a progestin-only hormone contraceptive
  • IUD placement when you get pregnant
  • Tubes damaged ' infection of some type such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or STD's
  • Infertility treatments
  • Older women also have a higher risk

The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are quite a bit like the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.  The body releases the same hormones and the early symptoms of pregnancy of bloating, frequent urination, and tender, swollen breasts are the same. The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy may not show up until the organ on which the baby has implanted ruptures, which results in a life-threatening emergency for the mother.

More often the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy happen more slowly.  The woman may experience abdominal or pelvic pain or tenderness that is sudden and severe or may be mild and intermittent.  The pain can be felt anywhere in the pelvic region and is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This pain can get worse with activity, bowel movements or coughing.

Another symptom of an ectopic pregnancy that has ruptured is a pain in your shoulder when you are lying down.  This displaced pain happens from internal bleeding and represents a medical emergency. Seek medical care immediately.

Other symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are vaginal bleeding or spotting.  The woman may not even know or expect, to be pregnant. She may experience implantation bleeding that is heavier than normal if the baby had implanted in the uterus and the woman may believe she had a light period. The first symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is usually a pain.  Most women describe the pain as sharp or stabbing. The woman can also experience lower back pain.

With any symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and a trip to the emergency room your doctor will use several things to diagnose your condition; blood tests, pelvic exam, and ultrasound.

Pregnancy is defined as ‘the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus’. Let us see some of the common symptoms of pregnancies among women.

Hearing a person who snores can be amusing, it can even be funny. But if you are living with someone who snores, a relative or a family member perhaps, then the sound might become very disturbing. If you cannot get a good night sleep and always wake up several times in the middle of the night by a sound that can be as loud as a lawnmower or a jet engine in action, then you should be thinking of anti snoring devices as a solution to the problem.

This website puts documents at your disposal only and solely for information purposes. They can not in any way replace the consultation of a physician or the care provided by a qualified practitioner and should therefore never be interpreted as being able to do so.