
On the nose develop four muscles, knowledge in top, the pyramidal one; in bottom, the myrtiforme; on the sides, the transverse and the dilator one of the nostrils.

The teres minor muscle named from its being the lesser of two somewhat cylindrical muscles is a thick but narrow triangular or fan-shaped sheet.


All around the oral opening  eleven muscles are laid out: one initially, of annular form, the labial or orbicular one of the lips, which governs its occlusion then a series of ten others which from the various areas of the face, come to fit on its circumference like so many convergent rays. They are, from top to bottom: the common elevator of the wing of the nose and the upper lip; the very elevator of the upper lip; the canine one; the minor zygomatic muscle; the big zygomatic; the buccinator; the risorius; the triangular one of the lips; the square of the chin; the muscle of the bunch of the chin.

The supra-spinatus muscle (French: Muscle supra-épineux) is named from its position above the spine of the scapula. It is a somewhat fan-shaped, thick triangular sheet.

The biceps flexor cubiti (French: muscle biceps-brachial) - named from its two heads and its action - is a thick, somewhat flattened fusiform muscle with a bifid upper extremity.

The infraspinatus muscle (French: Muscle infraépineux) is named from its position below the spine of the scapula - is a fan-shaped, thick, triangular sheet.

The subscapularis muscle (French: muscle sous-scapulaire)- named from its position beneath the scapula - is a thick triangular and somewhat multipenniform sheet.

The triceps extensor cubiti (french: Triceps brachial), named from its three heads and its action - formi a thick fusiform sheet wrapping round the posterior surface of the humerus in iti whole length.

The deltoid muscle (French: muscle Deltoïde; latin : deltoideus) is fleshy from the lateral border and upper surface of the acromion and from the ventral border and upper surface of the lateral third of the clavicle, and tendinous from the spine of the scapula. Some fibre-bundles also at times arise from the deep fascia of the muscle where it overlies and is fused to the fascia of the infraspinatus muscle near the spine.

The flexor carpi radialis - named from its action as a flexor of the wrist and its position on the radial side of the joint - is flat and fusiform.

The teres major muscle (french : muscle grand rond)- named from its somewhat cylindrical shape and its size - is a thick ribbon-shaped muscle.

The flexor carpi ulnaris- named from its influence upon the wrist and its position - is a thick sheet of muscular fibre, somewhat fusiform in shape, which wraps round the convex ulnar border of the forearm.

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