
migraines, headaches




Are you more likely to have migraines if you are obese?

The simple answer, for adults, is no.

The more complicated answer is sort-of. Obesity does not cause migraines in adults—the jury is still out on how obesity affects pediatric migraine

That’s the good news. The bad news is that migraine and obesity can have

As per one report nearly 14 percent of British youngsters are clinically obese. The cost of Obesity to the NHS is about £ 1 billion a year. An estimated 20,000 obese youngsters will have type 2 diabetes as per another report.

Mothers nagging kids to bed early is a common scenario. There are more significant reasons to it than to merely get rid of them and be relieved from babysitting. While the most popular benefit of sleep is to help kids grow taller and healthier, researchers have discovered that every additional hour per night a third-grader spends sleeping reduces the child's chances of being overweight in sixth grade by 40 percent.

There has been an overall increase in the number of people who have been diagnosed with being overweight and obese.  These two weight problems are generally the result of a person's inability to use or expend energy that is gained through food consumption.  Specifically, the number of calories consumed by a person is not used up and are stored in the body as fat.

Misbehaviour is bad but there is always a step worse isn’t there? Bland food is bad but again there is always a taste worse? So why should obesity be any different. There is obesity and then there is morbid obesity. Obesity is classed when you have a BMI (Body mass index) of 30, when you have a BMI of 40 then you are classed as an urgent morbidity risk; morbid obesity!

One of the leading problems effecting today’s youth is that of childhood obesity. One of the most important parenting tips that could ultimately save a child’s life is to deal with the problem early and yet with great sensitivity. The truth is that dealing with this delicate parenting issue early may help to save a child from dealing with obesity and other related illnesses in later life.

You have had a delicious, yet healthy meal and are feeling pleased with yourself for turning down the bacon double cheeseburger that had been calling your name for broiled fish and steamed veggies.

Women struggling with their weight may have been doing so for their entire lives. The world we live in has made it easier to gain and harder to lose, and so many follow bad advice trying to lose weight, only to end up bigger than they were when they started a diet plan. It is much harder to get pregnant when you are overweight or obese, but it does happen. Obesity and pregnancy are not a good mix, so if you find that you are expecting and you are worried about what your extra weight means to your pregnancy, talk to your obstetrician about your concerns. Taking care means a healthier pregnancy.

Obesity is a world wide problem. Scientist across our nations is consumed with studying this problem. In just the last decade, obesity seems to be the problem that's causing most of the diseases.

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