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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

stage of animal development characterized by the formation of the digestive cavity

Glossaries - Biology glossary

process in which the blastula folds over itself to form the three germ layers

gel electrophoresis
Glossaries - Biology glossary

technique used to separate molecules on the basis of size using electric charge

Glossaries - Biology glossary

(plural, gemmae) leaf fragment that spreads for asexual reproduction

Glossaries - Biology glossary

structure produced by asexual reproduction in freshwater sponges where the morphology is inverted

gene expression
Glossaries - Biology glossary

processes that control the turning on or turning off of a gene

gene flow
Glossaries - Biology glossary

flow of alleles in and out of a population due to the individual or gamete migration

gene pool
Glossaries - Biology glossary

all the alleles that the individuals in the population carry

gene targeting
Glossaries - Biology glossary

method for altering the sequence of a specific gene by introducing the modified version on a vector

gene therapy
Glossaries - Biology glossary

technique used to cure inheritable diseases by replacing mutant genes with good genes

gene therapy
Glossaries - Biology glossary

treatment of genetic disease by adding genes, using viruses to carry the new genes inside the cell

gene transfer agent (GTA)
Glossaries - Biology glossary

bacteriophage-like particle that transfers random genomic segments from one species of prokaryote to another

genetic diagnosis
Glossaries - Biology glossary

diagnosis of the potential for disease development by analyzing disease-causing genes

genetic diversity
Glossaries - Biology glossary

variety of genes in a species or other taxonomic group or ecosystem, the term can refer to allelic diversity or genome-wide diversity

genetic diversity
Glossaries - Biology glossary

variety of genes in a species or other taxonomic group or ecosystem, the term can refer to allelic diversity or genome-wide diversity