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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

macromolecule that is nonpolar and insoluble in water.

lipid-derived hormone
Glossaries - Biology glossary

hormone derived mostly from cholesterol

litmus paper
Glossaries - Biology glossary

(also, pH paper) filter paper treated with a natural water-soluble dye that changes its color as the pH of the environment changes in order to use it as a pH indicator

Glossaries - Biology glossary

organ that produces bile for digestion and processes vitamins and lipids

Glossaries - Biology glossary

most primitive group of the non-vascular plants

Glossaries - Biology glossary

soil that has no dominant particle size

lobes of the kidney
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renal pyramid along with the adjoining cortical region

logistic growth
Glossaries - Biology glossary

leveling off of exponential growth due to limiting resources

long bone
Glossaries - Biology glossary

bone that is longer than wide, and has a shaft and two ends

long-term depression (LTD)
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prolonged decrease in synaptic coupling between a pre- and postsynaptic cell

long-term potentiation (LTP)
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prolonged increase in synaptic coupling between a pre-and postsynaptic cell

loop of Henle
Glossaries - Biology glossary

part of the renal tubule that loops into the renal medulla

loose (areolar) connective tissue
Glossaries - Biology glossary

type of connective tissue with small amounts of cells, matrix, and fibers; found around blood vessels

Glossaries - Biology glossary

clade of protostomes that exhibit a trochophore larvae stage or a lophophore feeding structure

lower limb
Glossaries - Biology glossary

consists of the thigh, the leg, and the foot