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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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renal tubule
Glossaries - Biology glossary

tubule of the nephron that arises from the glomerulus

renal vein
Glossaries - Biology glossary

branch of a vein that exits the kidney and joins the inferior vena cava

Glossaries - Biology glossary

enzyme produced by the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys that reacts with angiotensinogen to cause the release of aldosterone

Glossaries - Biology glossary

biochemical pathway that activates angiotensin II, which increases blood pressur

replication fork
Glossaries - Biology glossary

Y-shaped structure formed during initiation of replication

replicative intermediate
Glossaries - Biology glossary

dsRNA intermediate made in the process of copying genomic RNA

Glossaries - Biology glossary

protein that binds to the operator of prokaryotic genes to prevent transcription

reproductive cloning
Glossaries - Biology glossary

entire organism cloning

reproductive isolation
Glossaries - Biology glossary

situation that occurs when a species is reproductively independent from other species; behavior, location, or reproductive barriers may cause this to happen

residence time
Glossaries - Biology glossary

measure of the average time an individual water molecule stays in a particular reservoir

residual volume (RV)
Glossaries - Biology glossary

amount of air remaining in the lung after a maximal expiration

Glossaries - Biology glossary

measurement of lung obstruction

resistance (ecological)
Glossaries - Biology glossary

ability of an ecosystem to remain at equilibrium in spite of disturbances

Glossaries - Biology glossary

process by which osteoclasts release minerals stored in bones

respiratory bronchiole
Glossaries - Biology glossary

terminal portion of the bronchiole tree that is attached to the terminal bronchioles and alveoli ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli