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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

surface-layer protein present on the outside of cell walls of archaea and bacteria

S-shaped growth curve
Glossaries - Biology glossary

shape of a logistic growth curve

saddle joint
Glossaries - Biology glossary

joint with concave and convex portions that fit together; named because the ends of each bone resemble a saddle

sagittal plane
Glossaries - Biology glossary

plane cutting through an animal separating the individual into right and left sides

Glossaries - Biology glossary

tailed amphibian that belongs to the clade Urodela

salivary amylase
Glossaries - Biology glossary

enzyme found in saliva, which converts carbohydrates to maltose

saltatory conduction
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“jumping” of an action potential along an axon from one node of Ranvier to the next

Glossaries - Biology glossary

soil particles between 0.1–2 mm in diameter

Glossaries - Biology glossary

organism that derives nutrients from decaying organic matter; also saprophyte

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plant that does not have chlorophyll and gets its food from dead matter

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

functional unit of skeletal muscle

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

type of free-floating marine seaweed

satellite glia
Glossaries - Biology glossary

glial cell that provides nutrients and structural support for neurons in the peripheral nervous system