Everybody’s digestive system works in a process that ultimately excretes waste from the body using something called bowel movement. People use the toilet daily to eliminate organic waste from their body which is a healthy habit. But when a person does not excrete waste regularly they tend to feel uncomfortable. There is a problem with the bowels if a person does not release waste at least three times a week; constipation.  Constipation can make some people feel uncomfortable especially when bowel movement has not happened for at least two days. If the constipation is severe it may become an irritable bowel syndrome that produces diarrhea. In other cases, feces may compact and create a large stool that cannot pass through the rectum. In order to avoid these unpleasant experiences, it is advisable to beat constipation before it starts.

Basic constipation symptoms

  • You are considered constipated if you apply to at least two of these symptoms.
  • Do you find it difficult to defecate?
  • Less than three bowel movements per week
  • Are you unable to release all of your waste for at least 25% of the times you do it?
  • Hard stools 25% of the time

In most cases, constipation has to do with large and thick wastes. In many cases, there are feelings of bloating and stomach cramps. Frequently, they release gas that smells bad which is annoying to people around them. Having constipation problems could be a sign of acute constipation which is an extreme medical condition. In some cases, cancer of the colon can be an underlying condition indicated by constipation symptoms. If there is blood in the waste it means that the victim must have an examination. Learning about constipation symptoms is important because you can practice some healthy habits to keep that digestive system in good condition. Many people will look for laxatives to help relieve their constipation symptoms. However, prolonged use of laxatives can irritate the colon and result in diarrhea and other digestive problems too. If you realize that you are experiencing symptoms of constipation you should seek medical advice from a health professional such as a doctor. You can prevent further constipation if you do so and detect signs of cancer as well.

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