For thousands of years now, Native American remedies are being practiced all over the globe because of their effectiveness in being able to treat a variety of health conditions. During the early times, like in the most parts of the globe, Native Americans do not have access to medical professionals and hospitals, which is why they often rely on resources that are readily available whenever they are sick. Because of its old age, some of these practices have already bene forgotten, which is also a result of the introduction of new advancements in the medical field. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied how there are still many Native American remedies practiced today, such as those mentioned in the rest of this article.

  1. Wild Ginger: When European settlers arrived in North America, one of their biggest problems dealt with the absence of the medicinal products that are available at the comfort of their own place. It is during this time when they were able to consider the magic of wild ginger. Based on the traditions of the locals, which is still practiced up to this day, wild ginger is decocted and infused in order to make a tea, which is regarded to be an effective remedy for menstrual cramps and irregular heartbeat. In addition, it is also believed that the kidney-shaped leaves of the plant make it an effective herbal remedy for various kidney problems. It is also considered to be a stimulant for the appetite. Consequently, according to several studies in the past, wild ginger makes an excellent alternative medicine because of having diuretic, carminative, and tonic effects to the body.


  1. Sage: This is considered to be sacred by many Native Americans basically because it is believed to have purifying energies, which is also the reason behind its popularity in the world of home remedies and alternative medicine. Aside from being able to bring back balance to the body, it also takes out any impurities from both the mind and the body, which will bring an individual to a better state of health and renewed strength. Aside from the belief of its ability to protect one from bad spirit, it also has a long history of use in the treatment of problems with the kidney, skin, stomach, lungs, and colon, among others. It also functions as an appetite stimulant and digestive aid, which makes it a common choice for people who would like to manage their weight naturally.
  2. Juniper: Closely resembling cypress, there is no wonder why it has been used by many Native Americans for detoxifying. It is believed to be effective in the elimination of excess water and also has diuretic properties, which is why it is used for urinary problems. The Blackfoot tribe of North America have also used a decoction of juniper berries for the purpose of treating venereal and lung diseases. The Inupiat tribe, on the other hand, have used it as an infusion for the treatment of cold and flu. The oils extracted from juniper berries can also be used for steam inhalation and can effectively treat muscle pain and arthritis.


  1. Dandelions: North America is one of the regions all over the world offering an abundance of dandelion species, which is why it is another traditional choice for home remedies. Most people do not know that it is an excellent source of Vitamins A, B, C, D, potassium, zinc, and iron, among others. Many North Americans used to boil it in water and drink it for the purpose of being able to relieve skin problems and to treat an upset stomach. It is also believed to help in the restoration of your body after the winter months or after suffering from an illness.


  1. Lavender: This is another staple in Native American remedies and has gained popularity because it is thought to be effective in bringing peace and balance to the body. This is also the reason why it is a common variant of teas available today, with the promise of being able to help people who are suffering from anxiety. The light and woody scent of lavender is most probably the one responsible for such. Lavender has also been traditionally used to treat depression and nervous system disorders because of its calming effect.


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