The human body is a somewhat complex structure. Regarding complexity, the human body has an immune system that always protects it from germs that may cause any harm. The human immune system always strives to protect us from any harm that may lead to the deterioration of one’s health. As for the immune system, it produces antibodies that act as weapons that in turn fight the illegal materials that appear within the body. The antibodies devour the illegal materials within the body, whereas others notify organisms such as leukocytes that there is a presence of illegal materials within the body.

What are Leukocytes?

With that said, a better explanation about Leukocytes will come in handy by addressing the question, what are leukocytes? As for Leukocytes, you can see that they are part of the immune system. The immune system is present in the blood. As a result, Leukocytes are classified as blood cells. Leukocytes are manufactured within the bone marrow, and they can be found in the blood and the lymph tissue. The Leukocytes help the body to fight infections as well as germs within the body. As far as leukocytes are concerned, they also come about in various categories namely; granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes.

Types of Leukocytes

As for Leukocytes, they come about in five different types namely; neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and basophils. Regarding the types of leukocytes mentioned, they can be further classified into polymorphonuclear leukocytes. As for polymorphonuclear leukocytes, they are white blood cells within the immune system that contain enzymes that are released during infections, asthma, and allergic reactions. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes can be further categorized into basophils, neutrophils, and eosinophils.


Basophils make up a minute amount of leukocytes in the human body. All in all, basophils play a major role whenever they are activated. Their major responsibility is cumbering allergic reactions that at times cause things such as asthma attacks, difficulty in breathing, and swelling. The various conditions that lead to the activation of basophils are such as the presence of illegal materials within the body such as dust or even medications that may lead to an allergic reaction. When these illegal substances are detected within the body, the basophils are released, and they destroy the foreign materials within the body. Other leukocytes also join in on the fight against the illegal materials within the body.


The largest amount of leukocytes within the body comprises of neutrophils. Neutrophils always roam within the human body while searching for germs that pose harm to the human body. Whenever the human body pulls out a distress signal that germs are trying to infiltrate, neutrophils always appear first ready to combat the bacteria. The invaders are killed by the neutrophils when they are consumed, and in the process, these neutrophils die, and they exit the human body in the form of pus.


Eosinophils are the strongest leukocytes. They only attack parasites and bacteria. They perform their duties by trapping the illegal materials that have infiltrated the human body, participating in allergic reactions, and deranging foreign activities. Unlike the other leukocytes, these always kill any invader that is present in the human body. Far from dealing with intruders in the human body, eosinophils also help out when it comes to tissue repair and organ formation.

Leukocytes in Urine

Leukocytes are produced within the human body. In turn, they do travel throughout the body with the sole aim of fighting germs and diseases that inhabit the body thereby showcasing a threat to the state of health of any human. These body cells are stored in the spleen, thymus, and bone marrow.

Leukocytes can also be found in urine but at very low levels. If there are large levels of leukocytes in urine, this is a clear indicator that there might be an infection of some sort. With that said, the causes of high levels of leukocytes in urine will be discussed. The reasons why leukocytes can be found in urine are;

1. Bladder Infection

A urinary tract infection can cause the presence of leukocytes in large amounts in urine. The parts of the urinary system that can be affected adversely are such as the urethra and bladder. If the infection is not treated before spreading within the urinary system, the kidneys might be affected.

2. Kidney infection

This is an infection that can lead to a large presence of white blood cells in the urine. Since leukocytes are categorized as white blood cells, they can be found in large amounts in the urine in case of such an infection.

3. Kidney Stones

A large number of leukocytes might be a sign that one may be suffering from kidney stones. When your urine has high levels of salts and minerals, you are at risk of developing kidney stones. Since kidney stones may disrupt the movement of urine within the urinary system, there might be a buildup of bacteria and leukocytes may accumulate within the urinary system with the sole aim of combating the infection.

The symptoms of high leukocyte levels in urine are as follows; most of the time, your urine might be harboring a foul smell. Also, when urinating, you might experience pain most of the time, plus blood might appear when you are urinating.

The diagnosis can be carried out through urine analysis. The urine can be analyzed through dipstick test, a visual exam, and a microscopic exam. After the urine is examined, it may be subjected to further testing in case materials such as blood are detected within the system. The further tests are carried out with the sole aim of determining if there are any further problems within the system. In case white blood cells are detected in the urine, there is a high likelihood that the patient may be suffering from high levels of leukocytes in the urine.

After proper diagnosis, the doctors are in a better position to determine the most suitable form of treatment. In case of a urinary infection, the doctors can recommend the use of antibiotics that will, in turn, help the patient to recover quickly. To some extent, some patients may even have to undergo surgery.

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