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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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branch on a phylogenetic tree with more than two groups or taxa

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genus of orangutans

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all of the individuals of a species living within a specific area

population growth rate
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number of organisms added in each reproductive generation

population size (N)
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number of population members in a habitat at the same time

population variation
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distribution of phenotypes in a population

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phylum of animals with no true tissues, but a porous body with rudimentary endoskeleton

positive feedback loop
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feedback to a control mechanism that continues the direction of a stimulus

positive gravitropism
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growth toward Earth’s gravitational center

positive polarity
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ssRNA virus with a genome that contains the same base sequences and codons found in their mRNA

positive regulator
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protein that increases transcription

post-anal tail
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muscular, posterior elongation of the body extending beyond the anus in chordates

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control of gene expression after the RNA molecule has been created but before it is translated into protein

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control of gene expression after a protein has been created

posterior pituitary
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extension of the brain that releases hormones produced by the hypothalamus; along with the infundibulum, it is also referred to as the neurohypophysis