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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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partial pressure
Glossaries - Biology glossary

amount of pressure exerted by one gas within a mixture of gases

particulate matter
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small particle such as dust, dirt, viral particles, and bacteria that are in the air

passive immunity
Glossaries - Biology glossary

transfer of antibodies from one individual to another to provide temporary protection against pathogens

passive transport
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method of transporting material through a membrane that does not require energy

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(also, kneecap) triangular bone that lies anterior to the knee joint

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agent with the ability to cause disease

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an agent, usually a microorganism, that causes disease in the organisms that it invades

pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)
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carbohydrate, polypeptide, and nucleic acid “signature” that is expressed by viruses, bacteria, and parasites but differs from molecules on host cells

pattern recognition receptor (PRR)
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molecule on macrophages and dendritic cells that binds molecular signatures of pathogens and promotes pathogen engulfment and destruction

peat moss
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pectoral girdle
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bones that transmit the force generated by the upper limbs to the axial skeleton

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second pair of appendages in Chelicerata

peer-reviewed manuscript
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scientific paper that a scientist’s colleagues review who are experts in the field of study

pelagic realm
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(also, pelagic zone) open ocean waters that are not close to the bottom or near the shore

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outer cell covering composed of interlocking protein strips that function like a flexible coat of armor, preventing cells from being torn or pierced without compromising their range of motion