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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

tough, waterproof, outer epidermal layer of cork cells

basal angiosperms
Glossaries - Biology glossary

a group of plants that probably branched off before the separation of monocots and eudicots

basal ganglia
Glossaries - Biology glossary

interconnected collections of cells in the brain that are involved in movement and motivation; also known as basal nuclei

basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Glossaries - Biology glossary

metabolic rate at rest in endothermic animals

basal nuclei
Glossaries - Biology glossary
basal taxon
Glossaries - Biology glossary

branch on a phylogenetic tree that has not diverged significantly from the root ancestor

Glossaries - Biology glossary

molecule that donates hydroxide ions or otherwise binds excess hydrogen ions and decreases the hydrogen ions' concentration in a solution

basic science
Glossaries - Biology glossary

science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge

Glossaries - Biology glossary

fruiting body that protrudes from the ground and bears the basidia

Glossaries - Biology glossary

(also, club fungi) phylum of fungi that produce club-shaped structures (basidia) that contain spores

Glossaries - Biology glossary

club-shaped fruiting body of basidiomycetes

basilar membrane
Glossaries - Biology glossary

stiff structure in the cochlea that indirectly anchors auditory receptors

Glossaries - Biology glossary

leukocyte that releases chemicals usually involved in the inflammatory response

Batesian mimicry
Glossaries - Biology glossary

type of mimicry where a non-harmful species takes on the warning colorations of a harmful one

Glossaries - Biology glossary

solid rock that lies beneath the soil