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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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contractile vacuole
Glossaries - Biology glossary

vesicle that fills with water (as it enters the cell by osmosis) and then contracts to squeeze water from the cell; an osmoregulatory vesicle

Glossaries - Biology glossary

part of an experiment that does not change during the experiment

convergent evolution
Glossaries - Biology glossary

process by which groups of organisms independently evolve to similar forms

coral reef
Glossaries - Biology glossary

ocean ridges formed by marine invertebrates living in warm, shallow waters within the photic zone

coral reef
Glossaries - Biology glossary

ocean ridges formed by marine invertebrates living in warm, shallow waters within the photic zone

core enzyme
Glossaries - Biology glossary

prokaryotic RNA polymerase consisting of α, α, β, and β' but missing σ; this complex performs elongation

Glossaries - Biology glossary

rounded, fleshy underground stem that contains stored food

Glossaries - Biology glossary

transparent layer over the front of the eye that helps focus light waves

Glossaries - Biology glossary

collection of petals

Glossaries - Biology glossary

wheel-like structure on the anterior portion of the rotifer that contains cilia and moves food and water toward the mouth

coronary artery
Glossaries - Biology glossary

vessel that supplies the heart tissue with blood

coronary vein
Glossaries - Biology glossary

vessel that takes blood away from the heart tissue back to the chambers in the heart

corpus callosum
Glossaries - Biology glossary

thick fiber bundle that connects the cerebral hemispheres

Glossaries - Biology glossary

ground tissue found between the vascular tissue and the epidermis in a stem or root

cortex (animal)
Glossaries - Biology glossary

outer layer of an organ like the kidney or adrenal gland