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Glossary of terms used on this site

Glossary of biology.

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Glossaries - Biology glossary

organism that lives at temperatures between 60–80 °C

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regulation of body temperature

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dinosaur group ancestral to birds

thick filament
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a group of myosin molecules

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developmental response to touch

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directional growth of a plant independent of the direction in which contact is applied

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directional growth of a plant in response to constant contact

thin filament
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two polymers of actin wound together along with tropomyosin and troponin

thoracic cage
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(also, ribcage) skeleton of the chest, which consists of the ribs, thoracic vertebrae, sternum, and costal cartilages

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modified stem branch appearing as a sharp outgrowth that protects the plant

threshold of excitation
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level of depolarization needed for an action potential to fire

threshold of excitation
Glossaries - Biology glossary

level of depolarization needed for an action potential to fire

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disc-shaped, membrane-bound structure inside a chloroplast where the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place; stacks of thylakoids are called grana

thylakoid lumen
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aqueous space bound by a thylakoid membrane where protons accumulate during light-driven electron transport

Glossaries - Biology glossary

gland located behind the sternum that produces thymosin hormones that contribute to the development of the immune system