Pneumopathies can have various origins.

Pneumopathies of bacterial origin; acute, purulent, with an alveolar attack, have a homogeneous opacity good limited on a thoracic radio (example: PFLA Frank Pneumonia Lobaire Acute, due to the Pneumococcus).

Pneumopathies of viral origin, are subaigues, with an attack of pulmonary conjunctive fabric, and present an image of infiltrates on a thoracic radiography.

Certain bacteria give pneumopathies of the viral type; among them, one finds Chlamydiae and Mycoplasme pneumoniae .


Respiratory infection due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Clinical pneumopathy atypiqu, infection by the agent of Eaton

Beginning progressive, less brutal than traditional bacterial pneumopathy or the influenza.

- attack of the pulmonary parenchyma giving an indication of infiltrate to the thoracic radio.


- Benign in general: in the form of tiny rhino-pharyngées infections, and even without any demonstration.

- Serious sometimes: respiratory distress at the time of an obstructive broncho-pneumonopathy involving the hospitalization.

Frequency: 20 to 30% of the atypical respiratory infections.

Pathogenic capacity of the mycoplasmes

Respiratory infections: Mycoplasme pneumoniae

Genital infections : Mycoplasma hominis

Mycoplasme gcnitalium Ureaplasma urealyticum

Character commun runs

- Morphology and structure

. Spherical elements of very small size: 0,1 to 0,3 microns. Deprived of wall. Having ADN and ARN

. Close relations of the bacteria, they belong to the class of Molli eûtes

- Culture

Need for mediums hypertonic nouveau riches géloses or liquids Very small fried egg colonies “”

- Vitality

Very fragile

Bacteriological diagnosis

- Direct: Culture which allows the identification and the study of

in vitro sensitivity to antibiotics: +++ for Mycoplasmes genital

- Indirect:

Sérodiagnostic by reaction of fixing of the complement (R F C) for the respiratory infections with Mycoplasme pneumoniae

Sensitivity to antibiotics

- Sensitive to the tétracyclines and macrolides

- Resistant to bétalactaminés

Respiratory infections with Chlamidia

Respiratory infections with Chlamydia psittaci

It is a ZOONOSE: it touches the animals in general, accidentally the man.

* in the animals, one distinguishes:

. Ornithose transmitted by the pigeon

. the Psittacosis transmitted by the parrot

* at the man: it is seldom touched; however, when it is it, that is serious.

Respiratory infections with Chlamidia trachomatis

It is the 1st cause of pneumopathy at the new one born by contamination during the childbirth.

Respiratory infections with Chlamidia pneumoniae

It is a very frequent infection: 50% of the 30 year old adults have serum antibodies directed against this bacterium.

In general, one assists with: . an atypical pneumopathy very often benign (viral standard)

. or with a pharyngitis/bronchitis

Reinfected are frequent and serious at the immunodé-preceded subjects.


Mycoplasme pneumoniae

Common characters

morpho. - structure: SMALL size and ABSCENCE of WALL => fragile culture: special mediums


* direct: the bacterium is not highlighted in the expectoration.

* indirect: it is necessary to seek the serum antibodies of the patient in particular by the reaction of fixing of the complement; the study is done on 2 serums taken at 15 days of interval.

3. Sensitivity to antibiotics: sensitive to the tétracyclines and macrolides

Pneumoniae and psittaci

Common characters


structure: very small, comparable with C. trachomatis.

culture: on alive cells; the cycle of reproduction is longer than that of Chlamydia trachomatis, it lasts with the 72h minimum and leads to inclusions will intra cytoplasmic.

Diagnosis = especially sérodiagnostic: description of serum antibodies by:

* R° de Fixation of the Complement -> Thus of Chlamidiose (not very sensitive)

* Immunofluorescence and ELISA thus species

Sensitivity to antibiotics: sensitive to the tétracyclines and macrolides


Pathogenic capacity

Respiratory infections:

Chlamydia pneumoniae

Chlamydia psittaci

Genital infections (PUT): Chlamydia trachomatis

- Venereal Lymphogranulomatosis = sérotypes L , L, L

- Genital Infections oculo = sérotypes D with K

Common characters

- Morphology

Very small bacteria (0,3 microns)

- Culture

Need for alive cells:

. Embryonné egg

. Culture of cells

- Vitality

Very fragile bacteria

Bacteriological diagnosis

- Direct:

. Direct examination: Immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies

. Seek ADN by PCR

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