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Glossary of terms used on this site

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occipital lobe
Glossaries - Psychology

part of the cerebral cortex associated with visual processing; contains the primary visualcortex

operant conditioning
Glossaries - Psychology

form of learning in which the stimulus/experience happens after the behavior is demonstrated

operational definition
Glossaries - Psychology

description of what actions and operations will be used to measure the dependent variables and manipulate the independent variables

Glossaries - Psychology

one of a category of drugs that has strong analgesic properties; opiates are produced from the resin of the opium poppy; includes heroin, morphine, methadone, and codeine

Glossaries - Psychology

personal judgments, conclusions, or attitudes that may or may not be accurate

oral stage
Glossaries - Psychology

psychosexual stage in which an infant’s pleasure is focused on the mouth 

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peak phase of the sexual response cycle associated with rhythmic muscle contractions (and ejaculation)

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extension of a rule that exists in a given language to an exception to the rule

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Glossaries - Psychology

secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar

parasympathetic nervous system
Glossaries - Psychology

associated with routine, day-to-day operations of the body

parietal lobe
Glossaries - Psychology

part of the cerebral cortex involved in processing various sensory and perceptual information; contains the primary somatosensory cortex

Glossaries - Psychology

one of a group of sleep disorders characterized by unwanted, disruptive motor activity and/or experiences during sleep

partial reinforcement
Glossaries - Psychology

rewarding behavior only some of the time

Glossaries - Psychology

subjects of psychological research