Schools of the asclepiadae

I will terminate this succinct review of the Hippocratic collection, by the examination of a work which was intended as a recapitulation of all that is set forth in the others. I mean the collection of Aphorisms, in seven of his books. No medical work of antiquity has had a more colossal reputation

Nosography is the eye of therapeutics. In proportion as the first is lucid, methodical, and complete, the second is sure and rational. The possession of the most efficacious curative agents is of no avail to us if we can not distinguish the cases in which their use is advantageous, from those in which they would be injurious. In fact the more the means that the therapist dispensers have of power and energy, the more

The clinic does not form a particular branch of medical science ; it embraces all, and makes the application of them at the bedside - it constitutes the highest degree of medical teaching. There, the master unites, constantly, example to precept - practice to theory. Nothing is better calculated to mature the experience of young men, than those lessons which are given at the bedside of the sick, when he who has charge of the patients, unites profound instruction with great probity ; and by this last term we comprehend, with a modern professor, candor, frankness, justice, humanity, and disinterestedness. M. Bouillaud insists, justly,

The physicians of the two preceding periods have not emitted any general law in Therapeutics ; they regulated their practice instinctively upon the following plan : when a remedy has cured any disease, it should cure all other identical diseases. This axiom, incontestably true in itself, is but a fragment of one much more general, which embraces the whole philosophy of causes, and may be

If there are occasions, when the aid of medical knowledge is palpably necessary and efficacious, they present themselves especially in the practice of obstetrics. There, often, the life of one or two individuals, in perfect health, depends on a manoeuver, more or less skillful, or an indication, more or less well fulfilled. Beside, the duty of the accoucheur, or sage-femme, is not limited to watching and giving

We have given a glance of the views which the Asclepiadae had acquired on the structure and functions of different parts of the human body, as well as of means employed to maintain their integrity of function. We now proceed to say something on the ideas they had touching the disorders of

The following is a list of the books of the Hippocratic collection, that treat of external nosography and therapeutics, according to the translation of Gardeil:

We remarked, in speaking of Medicine among the Hebrews, with what care Moses had regulated everything that concerned health. The Asclepiadae, who, like him, owed their first scientific instructions to the Egyptian priests, gave special attention,

Neither Hippocrates nor his descendants ever dissected the human body ; the religious respect that was had for the dead in all Greece, prevented it. We, therefore, find in their writings some generalities, merely, on the form, volume, and respective positions of the principal viscera. Osteology, only, is treated there with sufficient exactness, and this fact is explained by a tradition, which says that the Asclepiadae, of Cos, kept in their school a human skeleton, for the instruction of their pupils. They had been able moreover to

M. Littre establishes, by convincing proofs, that the collection which we now possess, was not published as a whole until the foundation of the great libraries of Alexandria and Pergamos. Until then, there had been only

semiotics occupies a very considerable place in the medical works of the Asclepiadae. Two of the most complete and best achieved treatises of the collection - that on Prognostics, and the second book on Predictions, or Prorrhetics - are devoted to this branch of Pathology. Beside, the first book on Predictions and Coan Prenotions, a species of treatises believed to belong anterior to Hippocrates, as well as the book on Dreams, which is appended to the treatise on Regimen, relate entirely to the same subject. Now, all these portions united, form more than

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