Biology glossary

Glossary of biology.

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signal integration
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interaction of signals from two or more different cell-surface receptors that merge to activate the same response in the cell

signal sequence
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short tail of amino acids that directs a protein to a specific cellular compartment

signal transduction
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propagation of the signal through the cytoplasm (and sometimes also the nucleus) of the cell

signaling cell
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cell that releases signal molecules that allow communication with another cell

signaling pathway
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(also signaling cascade) chain of events that occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell to propagate the signal from the plasma membrane to produce a response

silent mutation
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mutation that is not expressed

simple epithelia
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single layer of epithelial cells

simple fruit
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fruit that develops from a single carpel or fused carpels

simple leaf
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leaf type in which the lamina is completely undivided or merely lobed

simulation model
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ecosystem model that is created with computer programs to holistically model ecosystems and to predict the effects of environmental disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics

single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
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variation between individuals in a single nucleotide

single-strand binding protein
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during replication, protein that binds to the single-stranded DNA; this helps in keeping the two strands of DNA apart so that they may serve as templates

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growing parts of a plant, such as roots and young leaves, which require photosynthate

sinoatrial (SA) node
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the heart’s internal pacemaker; located near the wall of the right atrium

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tubular structure that serves as an inlet for water into the mantle cavity

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