Biology glossary

Glossary of biology.

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carbon fixation
Glossaries - Biology glossary

process of converting inorganic CO2 gas into organic compounds

carbonic anhydrase (CA)
Glossaries - Biology glossary

enzyme that catalyzes carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid

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protease that breaks down peptides to single amino acids; secreted by the brush border of the small intestine

cardiac cycle
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filling and emptying the heart of blood by electrical signals that cause the heart muscles to contract and relax

cardiac muscle tissue
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muscle tissue found only in the heart; cardiac contractions pump blood throughout the body and maintain blood pressure

cardiac output
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the volume of blood pumped by the heart in one minute as a product of heart rate multiplied by stroke volume

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specialized heart muscle cell that is striated but contracts involuntarily like smooth muscle

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animal that consumes animal flesh

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photosynthetic pigment (yellow-orange-red) that functions to dispose of excess energy

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single unit of the pistil

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eight bones that comprise the wrist

carrier protein
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membrane protein that moves a substance across the plasma membrane by changing its own shape

carrying capacity (K)
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number of individuals of a species that can be supported by the limited resources of a habitat

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type of connective tissue with a large amount of ground substance matrix, cells called chondrocytes, and some amount of fibers

cartilaginous joint
Glossaries - Biology glossary

joint in which the bones are connected by cartilage

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