
The shoulder articulation [articulatio humeri] is one of the most perfect and most movable of joints, the large upper end of the humerus playing upon the shallow glenoid cavity.

The scapula is connected with the clavicle by a synovial joint with its ligaments at the acromio-clavicular articulation; and also by a set of ligaments passing between the coracoid process and the clavicle. So, that we have to consider: the acromio-clavicular articulation, the coraco-clavicular ligaments, the proper scapular ligaments are also best described in this section - viz., the coraco-acromial and transverse.

The sterno-costo-clavicular articulation Class. - Diarthrosis. Subdivision. - Condylarthrosis.

At this joint the large medial end of the clavicle is united to the superior angle of the manubrium sterni, the first costal cartilage also assisting to support the clavicle. It is the only joint between the upper extremity and the trunk, and takes part in all the movements of the upper limb. Looking at the bones, one would say that they were in no way adapted to articulate with one another, and yet they assist in constructing a joint of security, strength, and importance. The bones are nowhere in actual contact, being completely separated by an articular disc. The interval between the joints of the two sides varies from one inch to an inch and a half (2.5-4 cm.).

The knee is the largest joint in the body. It is rightly described as a ginglymoid joint, but there is also an arthrodial element; for, in addition to flexion and extension, there is a sliding backward and forward of the tibia upon the femoral condyles, as well as slight rotation round a vertical axis. It is one of the most superficial, and, as far as adaptation of the bony surfaces goes, one of the weakest joints, for in no position are the bones in more than partial contact.

The joints of the carpus may be subdivided into - The joints of the first row. The joints of the second row. The medio-carpal, or junction of the two rows with each other.

The hip is the most typical example of a ball-and-socket joint in the body, the round liead of the femur being received into the cup-shaped cavity of the acetabulum.

The wrist-joint (Class. - Diarthrosis. Subdivision. - Condylarthrosis.) is formed by the union of the radius and articular disc above, articulating -with the navicular, lunate, and triquetral bones below; the ulna being excluded by the intervention of the articular disc. The radius and disc together present a smooth surface, slightly concave both from before backward, and from side to side, whilst the three bones of the carpus present a smooth, convex surface, made uniformly even by the interosseous ligaments which bind them together. 

The cerebrospinal fluid occupies the subdural and subarachnoid spaces of the brain and cord and also the ventricular cavities of the brain.

The radius is firmly united to the ulna by two joints, and an intermediate fibrous union, viz.:

  • The superior radio-ulnar - whereat the head of the radius rotates within the radial notch and annular ligament.
  • The union of the shafts - the mid radio-ulnar union.
  • The inferior radio-ulnar - whereat the lower end of the radius rolls round the head of the ulna.

A Pacchionian body consists of a central core of subarachnoid tissue which is joined to the general subarachnoid tissue by a comparatively narrow stalk.

The elbow-joint [articulatio cubiti] Class. - Diarthrosis. Subdivision. - a complete hinge, and, unlike the knee, depends for its security and strength upon the configuration of its bones rather than on the number, strength, or arrangement of its ligaments.

The lymphatics of the brain and spinal cord are peculiar, inasmuch as they open into the subarachnoid space, and are only indirectly connected with the general lymphatic and venous systems. The communications with the venous system are effected by the Pacchio- nian bodies. The lymphatics of the peripheral nerves are in the form of tubular spaces placed between the lamellae of the perinem-al sheaths. These tubular channels open into the subdural and subarachnoid spaces.

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