On the eve of the upcoming gargantuan Christmas and New Year's Eve meals, the question is on our minds: can we gain weight after a single meal of excess? (or two).

There is no need to keep the suspense too long: "Yes, you can gain weight after a single meal of excess". "It's mathematical. It's all about coming in and out". If the inputs are higher than the outputs (implied if you are not careful about excess), then yes, there will be weight gain. But if we talk about a single excess in the middle of an exemplary diet, then no, there will be no weight gain a priori. Not everything is either black or white.

Preparing ahead of time

To avoid finding yourself on Boxing Day feeling guilty because you have twice taken foie gras and you have had a little too much of it on the champagne, it is better to prepare yourself beforehand. "Pay attention to your diet and adopt an exemplary lifestyle for the month, the week before," advises the professional.

Be careful on the D-Day

On the D-Day, also dodge the traps. To avoid "eating" small snack as an appetizer (because the turkey is not always cooked), "take for example a hearty fruit snack". This should keep you from jumping on the buffet for a few hours.

Between each glass of alcohol, we also bet on a glass of water.

Resume good habits

Beforehand, on D-Day but especially after the holidays, get back into good habits. On the agenda: get some fresh air, have a balanced diet and exercise. Well, you just asked Santa for a new pair of sneakers. The perfect opportunity to test them.

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