The swelling located near the tendons and joints is known as a ganglion cyst. It could be near any of the joints and tendons, but a ganglion cyst in the wrist is common. In fact, the cysts may appear in the different parts of the wrist.

Ganglion Cyst Wrist and Its Symptoms  Swelling is the first and most obvious symptom of a ganglion cyst. These ganglion cysts are jelly-like substance and don't metastasize. However, the size of the cyst may develop big with time. Mostly, a mildly painful sensation is felt in ganglion cyst wrist. If there is an increase in activity in the affected area, the cyst would eventually grow in size. Rest is good enough to reduce the size of the cyst.

Ganglion Cyst Wrist and Its Causes The main cause of the cyst in the wrist is really unknown. But, the women are at high risk for developing ganglion cyst. Also, based on the statistics, approximately 70% of people with a cyst are in the age group of 20-40 years old.

The Treatments of Ganglion Cyst Wrist It is very important to have a definitive diagnosis of a ganglion cyst. This will guarantee that the cyst is a ganglion cyst, not a malignant tumor. The doctor may order different forms of treatment as depends on the type and size of the cyst.

There are different methods in preventing the development of the ganglion cyst and among the simplest methods is the immobilization of affected part. This is done to reduce pain in the area. A hand splint is used to support the affected area and lessen the nerves pressure.

The doctor may recommend different forms of ganglion cyst wrist surgery. In a few cases, an aspiration needle is inserted in the skin to the cyst where the fluid is aspirated and removed. Excision is another form of surgical treatment. A local anesthesia is injected to eliminate pain sensation during the procedure.

Typically, it is not a health threat to have a ganglion cyst.  But, it is good to have a peace of mind by having it examined by your healthcare professional. Approximately, 1/3 to 2/3 of ganglion cyst wrist just disappears even without medical management, but it is not a guarantee that it will not reappear again.

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