Health information

Suffering from acne can cause so much embarrassment that many people would rather not discuss their condition.

Cancer is an extremely dangerous chronic disease which is responsible for over 7 million deaths worldwide each year. Currently, there is no cure for cancer and no exact cause has been established. However, a healthy lifestyle has been heavily linked with a reduced cancer risk. In addition to this, a healthy lifestyle is often cited as an effective cancer treatment. In this article I’m going to be taking a deeper look at the impact of exercise on cancer and whether it really can prevent and treat cancer.

Atrial fibrillation is also called A-fib or atrial fib. This is an abnormal heart rhythm.

The heart’s rhythm is controlled by electrical signals in the heart. The sinus node sends electrical signals to the rest of the heart. These signals cause the heart to contract and pump blood. Normally, the heart contracts and relaxes at a regular rate. With atrial fib, the sinus node does not start the electrical signal. Signals come from other spots in the right or left atrium. This causes the heart to beat irregularly and at times very fast.

Testicular cancer is the number one malignancy in men who are in the prime ages of twenty to thirty-four. Although this only translates to a mere one percent of malignant cancers in males, it is also the primary cause of cancer mortality in men of the mentioned ages. If you are concerned about your risks for incurring this type of cancer, read on to find out more about this lesser-known condition.

Cancer is a horrible disease that is responsible for over 7 million deaths every single year. While it’s not known exactly what causes cancer, diet is believed to have a large influence on this disease and the latest research suggests that up to a third of all cancers are caused by a poor diet. In this article I’m going to be taking a deeper look at the ingredients in food which can increase your cancer risk and listing the types of food you should avoid if you want to protect yourself against this nasty disease.

Non-Cancerous soft-tissue lumps on the wrists and hands are called "ganglions". Ganglions are classically painless and do not cause further indications. A lot of people don't seek any medical interventions since they know that the ganglions are not life threatening just like any other medical conditions.

Cancer is a dangerous disease which causes your body’s cells to grow in a rapid, uncontrollable way and if not treated early, it can often be fatal. The good news is that the latest research suggests that around one in three cancers are linked to diet. This means by eating the right foods you can cut your cancer risk by up to 33%. In this article I’m going to be discussing which nutrients have been specifically linked with cancer prevention and then highlighting some of the best food sources.

What is ganglion? In anatomy, a ganglion is a biological mass of tissues of our body which considered as the main factor that causes mild aching sensations in the wrists, joints, and tendons, when swollen.

Cancer is one of the most feared words in the human language. Every year over 12 million new cancer cases are diagnosed and over 7 million people die from this disease. In this article I take a deeper look at cancer and discuss how it develops, the various types of cancer and the steps you can take to prevent it.

Skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and so on. We know that cancer is bad, but what is cancer exactly? The truth is that not a lot of people are familiar with the exact mechanism behind how cancer spreads and contributes to mortality. Living as healthy of a life as possible and seeking appropriate treatment when necessary is all good and fine, but it’s helpful to be educated about such matters, especially when cancer is such a leading cause of death in our country. Understanding what cancer is and what exactly is going on in the body is an important way to empower patients who may be afflicted with this unfortunate condition.

When it comes to alcohol and cancer, there’s a lot of conflicting information. Some sources suggest avoiding alcohol completely is the best way to go while others indicate that moderate alcohol consumption can actually reduce your cancer risk. In this article I’m going to be bringing all the information together and discussing exactly how alcohol affects cancer.

A non-cancerous bulge in the skin, which is typically located in the joints,tendons of the hands, and wrists is known as "ganglion cancer". These are typically filled with fluid. Though it is not common, ganglion cyst may also emerge in the foot and ankle. The cysts can reemerge anytime soon and the fluid may builds up slowly. In fact, the cause of the ganglion cancer is unknown.

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